We will meet at the Evansville Central Library on January 11, Feb 8, March 8, and April 12. All state legislators whose districts included Vanderburgh County are invited to attend. And the public is urged to interact and ask questions. The doors open at 9 am and the events start at 9:15 am and end at 11 am.
Legislators invited are Senators Vaneta Becker and Jim Tomes and Representatives Alex Burton, Matt Hostettler, Cindy Ledbetter, Wendy McNamara, and Tim O'Brien.
MYL sponsors are AARP Indiana, the Evansville Teachers Association, the Evansville-Vanderburgh Public Library, the League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana, NAACP Evansville Chapter, Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 136, IBEW Local 16, Teamsters Local 215, United Neighborhoods of Evansville, and Valley Watch.
We will be livestreaming the March 8 MYL session at 9:15 am on our Facebook page HERE.